An endless selection of chocolates, logs, biscuits, foie gras and gigantic meals makes weight gain obvious after the end-of-year holidays. Indeed , various research and data collections have proven that during this period, the French gain the most weight before having an opposite trend at the end of spring. In this article, Chic&Shines therefore offers you simple tips that you can adopt to lose weight after this period .
Steps and tips for losing weight after the holidays.
• Drink water before and during meals to add bulk and weight to your meal, which helps you feel fuller.
• Set realistic goals, such as walking once or twice a week . Starving yourself in the hopes of getting quick results is bad for your health and usually backfires. With realistic goals, your persistence can only lead to results, both in your health and your physique.
• Take small steps to achieve these goals. Avoid the temptation to make drastic changes in your life , as these can be difficult to maintain over time. In fact, starving yourself for even a few days puts your body in a state of hunger, putting you at serious risk of binge eating. Instead, make a small change each week, such as swapping your evening cupcake for an apple.
Eat more often to avoid excessive hunger that leads to overeating. If you find yourself eating huge dinners because you're hungry, for example, try eating a low-calorie snack mid-afternoon and reduce the size of your evening meal .
• Eat nutritious meals . Good nutrition helps you stay fit and energized even if you cut calories.
• Reserve a third of your meals when you eat out. In order to accommodate every customer, many restaurants offer large portion sizes. Ask your server for a to-go bag when you order your food and put a third of it in the bag when your food arrives.
• Cut down on alcohol . Alcoholic beverages are high in calories; mixed drinks are the liquid equivalent of a rich dessert. Alcohol also lowers your inhibitions, leaving you vulnerable to the temptation to snack.
• Increase your activity levels to burn more calories than you take in.
• Get enough sleep . The Harvard School of Public Health cites several studies that show a strong link between insufficient sleep and weight gain.
• Have a cup of black coffee or tea, without sugar, if you are lacking energy in the middle of the day. Coffee and tea contain no calories and are high in caffeine.
• If your budget allows, consult a health care professional for more weight loss tips that will help you lose weight and keep it off after this holiday season.
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