Hello and welcome to Chic&Shines , a trendy and authentic brand.
To the question " who am I? ", I would simply like to answer that I am like you, a bit like your new sister, one of your best friends, or even that I am exactly like that colleague you adore, because she always gives good advice.
But it wouldn't be playing fair with you not to tell you everything, because if there is Well, a perfect place to tell you everything about me, my vision and my mission, is here!
So, to answer the question " who am I? ", I first want to tell you that I am four people at the same time, very distinct and so complementary... My name is Sabrina and I am a woman, I am a wife, I am a mother. and I am a businesswoman (with two jobs)!
You know (or maybe you don't know it yet), but becoming a mother is one of the hardest and most beautiful things. I believe that by bringing my daughter into the world, I also revealed myself to the world, and to myself...
One day, it was inevitable, I felt the desire, the need, the absolute necessity even, to take the time to investigate my deep self, what really makes me vibrate, what drives me, what would allow me to flourish on all levels, and to fulfill all the women in me!
And I was lucky. Lucky to have the choice between two possibilities, between two ways of life…
The journey.
My partner and I are epicureans at heart. We have always loved traveling in order to discover new people, beautiful places, unforgettable cultures and to experience incredible moments out of time. But we also love shopping, everywhere we go, from Black Friday in Florida, to Jamaica, to our beloved Guadeloupe.
The inner journey.
My love for fashion and beautiful things is inseparable from my personality, my being, my personal experience, my " who am I ? ". As a student and slender, then more flesh than blood around the age of 25, I accumulated quite a few clothing mistakes, completely linked to my youth and my belief of the type "it suits my girlfriend, so it suits me too." Now, I'm a mom. My body conceived, carried and gave life. And you know what? I still love getting dressed!
You will have understood, I chose the inner journey.
Today, I understood, I improved and I knew how to adjust my life and my body in my clothes, through the creation of " Chic&Shines ", by learning the color codes, the importance of the type of occasion and the respect of the morphology of the woman who is inside the clothes.
Now, in addition to all the roles in my life that make up my famous " who am I? ", I am the attentive ear of my community. " Chic&Shines " women love fashion and unpretentious chic, and are committed to showing themselves truly as they are, through their style.
I am the one who offers you clothes that make you happy, the one who knows that clothes are capable of giving us the strength of the image that we wish to give to ourselves and convey to others.
I am a trustworthy person who wants to be as close as possible to you and to all of her clients, to all of those women who need tips to learn how to always feel good in their clothes.
In the end, you see, I'm like you, a bit like your new sister, one of your best friends, or even like that colleague you adore because she always has good advice...
Our customers, all over the world, are happy to be part of the Chic&Shines community.
Thank you for reading.
“Chic&Shines the authentic brand like you”